South Florida Sealcoating & Cleaning
has sealed 2.5Million sq ft of paver surfaces since 2003

Since 2003, South Florida Sealcoating and Softwash has sealed 8.3 million square feet or almost 80 acres or pavers, travertine, concrete and other surfaces!!!
Paver sealing, if done properly, is one of the most beneficial tasks you can complete for the exterior of your home. Not only does it protect your surface and keep it appealing, but it also prevents a buildup of dirt and grime from getting between cracks and deep into your pavers. Having a protected in sealed paver adds instant value to your home and gives it an aesthetic appeal for everyone that drives by. We have sealed millions of feet of pavers in our company since it was started in 2003.
Pressure cleaning Mold and mildew.
South Florida sealcoating and Softwash inc has the tools to get the job done
Mold and mildew is no match for our 4000 psi hot water pressure cleaners. Using 220 degree steam removes mold and mildew instantly.
We have the machines and tools to handle residential to the largest commercial projects
Our Services
Since 2003, South Florida Sealcoating and Softwash has sealed, cleaned or treated over 8.3 million square feet or almost 80 acres or pavers, travertine, concrete and other surfaces!!!
To preserve and maintain brick pavers, you need to have them cleaned and sealed now in order to help protect them from penetrating substances such as colored liquids, grease and oil, which can stain your pavers. The cleaning process will show off the natural colors of your brick paver, and make them look like new! The pressure cleaning, re-sanding and sealing processes also control weeds and enhance the pavers appearance

Times have changed a lot since South Florida Sealcoating & Softwash opened its doors in 2003.
So have the sealers!
We now have many options to choose from based upon surface, what look the customer wants to achieve and how much protection.
Above is an image of the newest Silicone impregnators that allow water to literally roll off surfaces